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People have high expectations when browsing websites on their phones. Is your site meeting them?
Business Tips
We love Wordpress! You know what makes it even better? These 3 plugins…
Marketing Strategies
Check out how you can now accept and process a credit card with Checkfront.
Booking Management
Want to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns? Here’s how you can track bookings back to campaigns in Checkfront.
Learn how you can sync your availability across calendars with Checkfront.
Want to link Checkfront to your Squarepace website? We’ll walk you through it.
Check out how Urban Pirates found buried treasure with Checkfront!
Operator Highlights
We’re happy to announce support for Authorize.Net CIM (Customer Information Manager). Authorize.Net is a popular payment processor for credit card…
You can now quickly edit pricing, dates, and other booking parameters in Checkfront. Find out more!
It’s difficult to navigate the tourism industry. Here’s a glossary to help!
Get tips and strategies to grow your business and impress your guests.